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How to Use Mind Mapping To Enhance your Freelancing Career

10 September 2021 | 09:14


Mind mapping is a tool that does not just streamline your processes but also provides new and innovative ways of strategizing with clients, approaching business deals, or making pitch slides.

As a freelancer, there are numerous ways of incorporating mind maps into your projects. Read on to find out how you can do that.
Creating Strategies For Clients

Often, entrepreneurs have to outsource their work to freelancers in an attempt to expand their business. However, they may not always be clear on communicating with freelancers and accurately conveying a project's requirements.  In essence, what this means is that they may require your services but are confused about how to get a freelancer on board with the project.

Mind mapping can elevate your status as a freelancer and make you seem like a savvy consultant who can communicate their ideas and objectives and drive efficiency in work projects. In addition, you can use mind mapping tools to brainstorm ideas and get your clients' thoughts onto paper to generate dynamic results.

An example of creating a mind map with a client would revolve around a central idea or theme, which will be the project's goal. For instance, if your client is looking to increase revenue, you can create a mind map by setting a goal of increasing a certain percentage of revenue within a set time limit. Then, you can further strategize it by listing ideas that can help increase this revenue, action steps to execute these ideas, and finally, the delegation of these steps among your team (if you have a team).

Not all freelancers have to use mind mapping tools. However, it is a valuable tool to have in your arsenal if you want to start your freelancing career on the right track.