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What is the Preferred Freelancer Program?

10 September 2021 | 09:13


With more than 30 million users, we’ve made it our mission to curate a community of elite-level freelancers, the Preferred Freelancer Program. The community was designed with the sole idea of pooling the best talent on the platform and providing an exclusive space for them to excel.

We are looking for the best of the best freelancers who pride themselves in their workmanship and customer service abilities. If you think you have what it takes to join this elite-level community, we’d love to receive your application.

Once accepted, you'll get guaranteed access to quality leads and will be invited to work on high-value projects.

Each project assigned to you will be backed by our dedicated team who will be pitching you and your services to their clients. We call them the Recruiters.

You’ll also receive a special Preferred Freelancer Badge to ensure you stand out in the marketplace.
Perks to being a Preferred Freelancer

- Exclusive invitations to high value projects

- Only pay project fees when a milestone is released

- A badge on your profile

- High level support from our dedicated Preferred Freelancer Program Team

- Tips and tricks to enhance your profile

- Sealed bids for all of your proposals